Experience & technology
Accepting Medicare & All Out of Network Insurance
Warm bedside manor, comforting staff
I met Doctor Nguyen July 2020, at that point I had been to the hospital over 20 times from December 2019 to July 2020; complaining of the same symptoms! This was in addition to following all instructions provided to me from the ER as well as following up with my private doctors. At my final ER visit – prior to meeting Dr. Nguyen, it was determined that my appendix needed to be removed! That is how I met Dr. Nguyen! Dr. Nguyen thoroughly explain to me – not only what was going on, but what needed to be done, how this surgery would affect my overall health, and what I should do moving forward. He answered all of my questions and put my mind at ease! Until this point in my life I had only had surgery twice before ( both surgeries were C-sections to deliver my children); so I was very nervous and honestly scared! But again Dr. Nguyen reassured me that everything was going to be fine. And it was!
During the surgery he noticed something else out of place, he removed it, and had it biopsied! Due to his keen eye and professionalism (what I consider him going “above and beyond”), I was diagnosed with a new whole new medical condition!
He could have not seen it, he could have seen it and disregarded it – because that’s not what he was in there for; but he didn’t! Thanks to him I was able to finally receive the much-needed medical attention and ultimately the surgery that I needed to correct the additional Medical issues that I’m having! Even though I am not out of the woods yet, I can confidently say that if it wasn’t for Dr Nguyen, the 4 medical conditions that have been corrected – would not have been corrected; and I would still be suffering (with no end in sight). I’m not a religious person by Nature, but I can definitely say that meeting Dr Nguyen what’s a godsend – a gift from God! Thank you Dr. Nguyen!